draw hens + chicks for kids
Chicken with baby chicks drawings for kindergarten. Easy to follow instructions for an art lesson in crayon of farm animals. Kindergarten students illustrate with the help of simple step-by-step instructions.
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kindergarteners use crayons + marker step-by-step art project
This is Kindergarten art lesson consisting of a crayon drawing of a chicken with baby chicks relating to the farm animals curriculum. All students need to know is how to draw circles, triangles, straight lines, curve lines, ovals, rectangles, + squares. Students draw simple shapes to create their own works of art of a chicken with its baby chicks.
draw circle 4 head - 1/2 circle 4 body - vertical + horizontal lines 4 frame
curve on body 4 wing
add more chicks with eyes + beaks
circle 4 sun
color baby chicks yellow
finished work
add dot 4 eye - triangle + line 4 beak
details on head, grain on ground, horizontal line 4 chick
vertical lines 4 chick's legs
color ground brown - beak, sun, corners yellow or orange
color border green
finished work
vertical lines 4 legs, with 3 lines 4 toes on each leg
1/2 circle body of chick + dots 4 grain on ground
draw horizon line
color sky blue - red details on chicken head
finished work
kindergarten farm animal crayon drawings lesson plan
In this art lesson students will learn to draw a simple illustration of a hen with her baby chicks by following step-by-step instructions. Students will outline the illustration with marker, then color it using crayons. Each student will have a successful illustration at completion of lesson.
- 9”x12” white drawing paper
- crayons
- pencils
- thin, black markers
- Show students examples of barnyard animals created by various artists, in various mediums. (2 + 3 dimensional)
- See step-by-step examples given.
- Demonstrate the coloring process + where each color goes prior to students working on their projects.
- Class should stop approx. 10min. early for clean-up + putting supplies away.
- Assign tasks for student helpers.
vocabulary words
- Balance - Visual equilibrium in a composition; achieved by organizing the weight and attention of all elements in an artwork. Types of balance are symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial, and crystallographic. Color - The visual sensation dependent on the reflection or absorption of light from a given surface. The three characteristics of color are hue, value. and intensity. Color Harmony; The use of compatible colors to help unify a composition.
- Elements of Art - Sensory components used to create works of art ; line, color, shape, texture, value, space.
- Line - A point moving in space. Line can vary in width, length, curvature, color, or direction.
- Media - Plural of medium, referring to materials used to make art; categories of art (e.g. painting, sculpture, film).
- Primary Colors - Refers to colors red, yellow, and blue. From these all other colors are created.
- Secondary Colors - Colors that are mixtures of two primaries. Red and yellow make orange, yellow and blue make green, and blue and red make violet.
- Shape - A two-dimensional are or plane that may be open or closed, free-form or geometric. It can be found in nature or is made by humans.
- Space - An area in which objects or images can exist.
-This lesson can be adapted for first graders.
-Watercolor paints or oil pastels can be substituted for a variation. -Brown paper bags can be used to draw on to make this a recycled art project.
-Watercolor paints or oil pastels can be substituted for a variation. -Brown paper bags can be used to draw on to make this a recycled art project.
curriculum tie-in
- Animal or farm unit.
ca state visual arts content standards
Develop Perceptual Skills and Visual Arts Vocabulary
1.2 Name art materials (e.g., clay, paint, and crayons) introduced in lessons.
Make Informed Judgements
4.4 Give reasons why they like a particular work of art they made, using appropriate art vocabulary.
Develop Perceptual Skills and Visual Arts Vocabulary
1.2 Name art materials (e.g., clay, paint, and crayons) introduced in lessons.
Make Informed Judgements
4.4 Give reasons why they like a particular work of art they made, using appropriate art vocabulary.